Pest Control
in Greenville

Eliminating pests from your home or business

Guaranteed Results.

Free Estimates

There is no charge to give you a quote or estimate for any pest control services. Contact us to schedule a free quote.

All Pests Exterminated

Including, but not limited to, ants, spiders, roaches, fleas, rodents, bedbugs, crickets, mosquitoes, termites, bees, flies, tics and beetles.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We guarantee our work and all services. To find out more about our guarantee, please call or email us using our contact form.

Free Service Quote - Call Now

Just give us a call for a free service quote, or to set up a time for an inspection or pest control service for your home or business.

Pest Control Tips

There are a few simple things you can do to keep from having problems with bugs and other pests entering your home. You should have a regular termite inspection, and get a bond if termites have ever been found. You can eliminate a lot of problems by disposing of garbage and food waste properly and promptly. Do not leave dirty dishes or cookware lying about in your kitchen or sink. Once a pest problem is found, seek professional help while the problem is still easily managed.

You may take expert care of your home and follow common strategies to eliminate any type of bug, insect or rodent problem, yet still have a need to call an exterminator. This doesn't mean you have done anything wrong, or are to blame. Sometimes pests enter our residence or business for reasons beyond our control, particularly here in the South where pest populations thrive throughout many months of the year.

Need Pest Control?

Call Now

Greenville Pest Control

2 North Main Street
Greenville, SC 29601
